Easy Infra[structure as Code]

easy_infra is a docker container that simplifies and secures Infrastructure as Code deployments.

Getting Started

easy_infra runs security scans in response to any Ansible or Terraform command. It supports three main use cases:

  1. Experimentation by supporting interactive use and secure troubleshooting.

  2. Continuous Integration as a part of Pull/Merge Request validation.

  3. Continuous Deployment as an automated deployment tool.

In order to run your code from within the container, volume mount your files into /iac and pass your command, such as terraform validate, as such:

docker run -v $(pwd):/iac seiso/easy_infra terraform validate

To learn more, check out our documentation and CONTRIBUTING.md.

Secure by default

This container provides security features by default. Deploying an environment using terraform would likely look something like this:

docker run -v $(pwd):/iac seiso/easy_infra terraform apply -auto-approve

What easy_infra does in this case is:

  1. Perform terraform validation, specifically terraform init && terraform validate

  2. Run terraform security tools* serially, and in alphabetical order (checkov, kics, terrascan, and then tfsec).

  3. Run the provided terraform command, assuming the provided configurations were confirmed as valid and did not fail any of the security policy validation.

  • In the minimal images, only KICS is available

Learning mode

The learning mode suppresses the exit codes of any injected validation or security tooling, ensuring the provided commands will run. This can be configured by setting the LEARNING_MODE environment variable to true, for instance:

docker run -e LEARNING_MODE=true -v $(pwd):/iac seiso/easy_infra terraform apply -auto-approve


If you’d like to enable debug logs at runtime, pass an environment variable of LOG_LEVEL with a value of DEBUG, such as:

docker run -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG -v $(pwd):/iac seiso/easy_infra terraform validate